Thursday, September 22, 2011

Running  Nov 21 - 30

We will be holding a 10 day charity event to raise awareness and raise funds for research for this devastating disease. There will be booths for merchants and daily music events!!

Mark your calendars for this amazing Gala of Top Second Life Designers.
We will have One of a Kind designs and limited editions by some wonderful Second Life designers - and we will be showcasing them in a fashion extravaganza!

So What is Sarcoidosis?
Sarcoidosis (SAR-COY-DOE-SIS) is a "multiorgan" disease - meaning it almost always involves more than one organ. It is a potentially fatal inflammatory disease that can appear in any organ in the body. Although the lungs are affected in more than 90% of patients, the disease often attacks the heart, eyes, central nervous system, liver and kidneys. Once thought rare, sarcoidosis is now known to be common and affects people worldwide. The cause remains unknown and THERE IS NO CURE.

Lets help raise some money to Fight for a CURE and have a spectacular time doing it!!

The only time and place this gown can be purchased!
(don't forget the matching shoes)